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Journée Mondiale de l’Enfance : L’UNICEF au côté des enfants à Soubré



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Lundi 20 novembre 2023, dans la matinée le 34e anniversaire commémorant la Journée Mondiale de l’Enfance a été célébrée à Soubré (Sud-ouest) de la Côte d’Ivoire.

For World Children’s Day children in Soubre, in the Southwest of Côte d’Ivoire marched to combat child labour and their rights to go to school.
Every 20 November, the world celebrates the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by celebrating World Children’s Day.
For the occasion, UNICEF is asking adults and young people around the world to show solidarity with the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children, letting children take over the media, sports, entertainment, business and even governments and flooding the world with blue, wearing blue clothes or accessories at school, on the streets, on social media, in meeting rooms and on sports fields.
November 20th is a global day of action for children and children. It aims to raise public awareness and raise funds to help the millions of children who are out of school, deprived of protection and uprooted around the world.
To celebrate this annual event, governments and the stars of entertainment, sports and business will join forces with children to defend their rights. Children, meanwhile, will take the lead in all areas, to focus on issues that matter to them.
For every child a voice!

Cette journée a débutée avec une marche qui a rassemblée plus de 500 tout-petits vêtus de bleu-ciel au couleur de l’Organisation de Nations Unies pour l’Enfance (UNICEF), à l’origine de cette activité. Monsieur Jean-François Basse représentant résident de l’UNICEF en Côte d’Ivoire, s’est réjoui de la célébration de cette Journée Mondiale dans la région de la Nawa. Il a en outre indiqué les efforts consentis par l’UNICEF pour l’épanouissement des enfants en Côte d’Ivoire.

For World Children’s Day children in Soubre, in the Southwest of Côte d’Ivoire marched to combat child labour and their rights to go to school.
Every 20 November, the world celebrates the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by celebrating World Children’s Day.
For the occasion, UNICEF is asking adults and young people around the world to show solidarity with the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children, letting children take over the media, sports, entertainment, business and even governments and flooding the world with blue, wearing blue clothes or accessories at school, on the streets, on social media, in meeting rooms and on sports fields.
November 20th is a global day of action for children and children. It aims to raise public awareness and raise funds to help the millions of children who are out of school, deprived of protection and uprooted around the world.
To celebrate this annual event, governments and the stars of entertainment, sports and business will join forces with children to defend their rights. Children, meanwhile, will take the lead in all areas, to focus on issues that matter to them.
For every child a voice!

Outre la marche, l’UNICEF a mis l’accent sur l’environnement. Ainsi, les enfants entourés des parents ont participé aux planting d’arbres organisés au groupe scolaire l’hopital de Soubré.

For World Children’s Day children in Soubre, in the Southwest of Côte d’Ivoire marched to combat child labour and their rights to go to school.
Every 20 November, the world celebrates the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by celebrating World Children’s Day.
For the occasion, UNICEF is asking adults and young people around the world to show solidarity with the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children, letting children take over the media, sports, entertainment, business and even governments and flooding the world with blue, wearing blue clothes or accessories at school, on the streets, on social media, in meeting rooms and on sports fields.
November 20th is a global day of action for children and children. It aims to raise public awareness and raise funds to help the millions of children who are out of school, deprived of protection and uprooted around the world.
To celebrate this annual event, governments and the stars of entertainment, sports and business will join forces with children to defend their rights. Children, meanwhile, will take the lead in all areas, to focus on issues that matter to them.
For every child a voice!

Notons que les festivités de ce 34e anniversaire ont été lancées le mercredi 15 novembre 2023 à Abidjan-Yopougon avec l’organisation de la première édition du TEDX-KIDS qui a reuni plus de 350 enfants. Elle s’est poursuivie, le samedi 18 novembre à Koumassi à travers la journée culturelle et sportive qui a rassemblée près de 3200 enfants.

For World Children’s Day children in Soubre, in the Southwest of Côte d’Ivoire marched to combat child labour and their rights to go to school.
Every 20 November, the world celebrates the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by celebrating World Children’s Day.
For the occasion, UNICEF is asking adults and young people around the world to show solidarity with the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children, letting children take over the media, sports, entertainment, business and even governments and flooding the world with blue, wearing blue clothes or accessories at school, on the streets, on social media, in meeting rooms and on sports fields.
November 20th is a global day of action for children and children. It aims to raise public awareness and raise funds to help the millions of children who are out of school, deprived of protection and uprooted around the world.
To celebrate this annual event, governments and the stars of entertainment, sports and business will join forces with children to defend their rights. Children, meanwhile, will take the lead in all areas, to focus on issues that matter to them.
For every child a voice!

Chaque 20 novembre, le monde commémore l’anniversaire de la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant en célébrant la journée mondiale de l’enfance. Pour l’occasion, UNICEF invite la Côte d’Ivoire et le monde entier à passer au bleu et à laisser les enfants prendre les commandes des médias, des sports, des arts, des entreprises et mêmes des gouvernements, pour faire entendre leur voix et faire part de leurs préoccupations.

For World Children’s Day children in Soubre, in the Southwest of Côte d’Ivoire marched to combat child labour and their rights to go to school.
Every 20 November, the world celebrates the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by celebrating World Children’s Day.
For the occasion, UNICEF is asking adults and young people around the world to show solidarity with the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children, letting children take over the media, sports, entertainment, business and even governments and flooding the world with blue, wearing blue clothes or accessories at school, on the streets, on social media, in meeting rooms and on sports fields.
November 20th is a global day of action for children and children. It aims to raise public awareness and raise funds to help the millions of children who are out of school, deprived of protection and uprooted around the world.
To celebrate this annual event, governments and the stars of entertainment, sports and business will join forces with children to defend their rights. Children, meanwhile, will take the lead in all areas, to focus on issues that matter to them.
For every child a voice!

Jean Marc Ehoué